
We are learning about relationships and who we have them with.

We have relationships at home, at school and at the roundabout.

We linked relationships by the people who wrote them or who people had the relationships with. Some were on there own and we couldn't link them. We talked about how we could link them if we did more pictures or if people who were away came back and did one too.


This week we got to lead Hui. We taught everyone our colour song that we have been learning in Room 21.

Our learning this week

Jackson has been our photographer and he has been taking photos of the learning in Room 21 during the week. Our learning this week on PhotoPeach

Crusader Visit

Last week we had a visit from Tim Perry and Kieran Read. We asked them lots of questions and wished them the best of luck. They must of got some good luck from us because that night they won their game!